Water Problems ... then explore our QDS Trencher Attachment
One of the quickest way to trench in underground mines is to use a QDS Trencher Attachment. Our unit has been operating successfully in underground coal mines in the Newcastle and Illawarra region for a number of years. The following photo is our trencher arriving at Berrima Mine to assist in their water management issues.
Some of the specs for the trencher are:
Weight 2.5 tonne
Overall length approx 3.9m
Cutting depth approx. 1m
Chain width can be varied nominally from 100mm (as fitted 175mm)
Side shift fitted
Pneumatic control with two hand control for side shift
Hydraulic pressure and flow required is Nominally 20 Mpa and 150 lpm
RA and operating procedures
NDT report
Site risk assessment can be facilitated in house
check out more photo's here
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